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 Time for those wasps to buzz off. 


 Don't get stung. 

 Leave it to us. 

Swarmed by wasps? It may be tempting to try taking matters into your own hands,  but getting stung could ruin more than just your picnic.


It's easy to underestimate the scale of a wasp infestation, so it's worth seeking an expert opinion before you get in over your head.


We'll be able to treat or remove wasp nests safely, forcing these stripy pests to bug off for good.


It couldn’t be simpler.

Image by James Wainscoat

Wasps are commonly mistaken for hornets and honeybees. The main differences are that wasps are (mostly) hairless, bright yellow and more likely to appear in swarms. If you are unsure, you should ask an expert for advice. 


to know...

 Why is wasp control 


Wasps rarely appear alone. They are an incredibly social species, so chances are that the swarm is always nearby - and a wasp in distress is likely to call in reinforcements.


Combined with their aggressive nature, this swarming behaviour means that things can get ugly, fast. Unlike bees, wasps are capable of inflicting multiple stings, which in severe cases can result in anaphylactic shock. This risk is heightened for already vulnerable people, such as children, the elderly and those with allergies.


The presence of wasps can make certain areas unsafe, which is a particular concern for businesses. Because wasp nests are often hidden in hard to reach places, it may not be immediately clear that there is an issue until it's too late.


Early intervention will prevent the infestation from becoming a hazard to health as well as ensuring that the colony doesn't return.



Image by Ante Hamersmit

 Why choose us? 

At Birdsalls Avian Solutions Ltd., we have the expertise to safely resolve your wasp problem quickly and discreetly. Our experienced technicians can assess your situation and suggest the most effective proposal for your requirements.


Mild infestations can be successfully treated with our professional-grade insecticide in just one visit. In more serious cases, we can consider complete nest removal or bring in the necessary equipment to reach high or otherwise inaccessible areas. 


We can offer a free initial quote in accordance with your individual needs and expectations.


As different methods may be required, we will employ the most effective tool for the job. This may include:   


Treating nests

Nest removal

Image by Enrique Vidal Flores

Not all wasps will need to be controlled. Intervention is only required where wasps present a significant risk to health and safety. Small numbers of wasps can be beneficial, as they feed on other garden pests.


to know...

Image by Wolfgang Hasselmann

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 under our wing? 

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